Showing our friends we love them doesn’t have to be about spending a ton of cash or getting an ou...
From hair and nail tools to primers and fragrances, discover these must-have beauty products.Wedd...
ManiGlovz, $24: Love gel, but worried about those LED and UV lights destroying your mitts? Same. ...
Who doesn’t love a good gel manicure? With an increasing number of women and men getting manicure...
Consider fingerless sun-protective gloves. Just like you can buy protective clothing with a UPF r...
You most likely remember the sunscreen when you’re out and about…but what about when you get your...
The Sunscreen: ManiGlovz® UPF 50 ($24)The Dermatologist Superfan: Dr. Deanne Mraz Robinson of Mod...
Spot No.3: The Back of Your Hands: You know the saying: the hands reveal your age first, making f...
ManiGlovz ($25) was founded by Kim Motola, a self-professed “sunscreen fanatic” who felt uncomfor...
Who doesn’t love a gel manicure? Regular polish that chips as you are leaving the salon just does...